Thursday, October 25, 2012

My new book ... but His truth

My new book is a practical exploration of seven fundamental falsehoods taught to us by the world around us.  In The Sunday Monday Paradox and Six Other Lies That Keep Us Captive, I explore these seven lies.   My new book is a fast-paced argument that exposes these lies and explains in a straightforward manner how the truth told to us by Jesus Christ provides the map to a better world, to living a better life.
I wrote The Sunday/Monday Paradox to change hearts.  The more I watched the struggle for a culture of life, the more I became convinced that the battle for changing our culture is not in the courts, or in the legislature, but rather in the human heart. 
I start my argument illustrating the brokenness of our world, emphasizing how the brokenness results not from Creation, but from human behavior.  I illustrate how human behavior causes waste – wasted time, lost savings, lost jobs, broken lives – that force us to work harder to overcome.  I then turn the focus of my argument from the headline catching mega crooks who have betrayed their community on a grand scale to each of us who cause waste in small but important ways.
I then provide a brief look at organizations and how to understand them, not the MBA models which ignore the human person, but on his unique explanation based on his decades of experience and observation.  With this foundation, I build his argument for the importance of recognizing the dignity of the human person and the role a culture of respect plays in the relationship between those persons within an organization.
Using my two decades of business experience and citing case after case of real life examples, I explore and dismantle each of the lies to which people cling to defend their decision to compartmentalize the values they learn on Sunday.  First, I show that the first lie, “Sunday morning values have no place in our Monday morning world.” is built on six lies, which I proceed to examine and disprove.  The six other lies are:
·       The purpose of an organization is to make money.
·       Improving the performance of an organization requires technology and automation.
·       Christian values are counter-cultural, counter productive and difficult to implement in an organization.
·       Christian values hurt the organization, and are a sign of weakness.
·       Human beings are simply animals, with no relationship to the divine; a means to economic ends.
·       You are alone.
Finally, I explain the important role faith plays in helping us live Sunday morning values more fully in our lives.
Accepting these lies hampers our ability to live fulfilling lives.  Many people accept them.  Knowingly or unknowingly, they live by them and even propagate them.  Yet, there is a lot at stake.  In a time when many people propagate secularism, relativism and humanism and seek to replace a culture of life with a culture of death, in a time when Christian values are assaulted from all sides, and when our very dignity and relationship with the divine lies at stake, every person must choose to participate in standing against the lies that seek to strip us of our dignity.
This book is a must-read for people whose hearts are open and who want to help change the hearts of others.  It is for those who want to explain the relevance of Christianity in today's world and for those who are ensnared in the lies of the world and struggling to escape.
Learn more about The Sunday Monday Paradox at  

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